General description
A float switch is a type of level sensor, a device used to detect the level of liquid within a tank.
The switch may be used to control a pump, as an indicator, an alarm, or to control other devices.
An HVAC wet switch/float switch, also known as a condensate overflow switch, serves to prevent this pan from overflowing if the AC drain stops working properly.
It is essentaially an electronic water sensor for your HVAC system.
The safety float switch on air conditioner systems has become such an effective damage prevention tool that many local governments now require them on new installations. However, for those who have existing units, it is always advised to have them installed to save time, damage, money and most importantly, the health of those who are breathing in the air around the home.
How does it works?
The switch is activated when the level of the water in the pan comes above a certain point, causing the switch mechanism to trip/float to rise. When this happens, the switch will then send a message to the AC unit, and it will shut off, stopping the phase conversion and creation of condensation. At this point, a technician can locate and fix the source of the leak before water damage occurs.
Where Is the Wet Switch/Float Switch Located?
The location of the wet switch/float switch depends on the orientation of your HVAC equipment.
Horizontal units typically have a secondary drip pan, which is found under the unit to prevent excess condensation from doing damage.
The wet switch/float switch is attached to this secondary drip pan.
For vertical units or horizontal ones that don't have a secondary drip pan, you can install a float switch on the PVC drain pipe of the unit, which will become activated if the flow of water becomes obstructed.
Some HVAC equipment have a condensate pump installed with it, which the condensation drains into from the AC equipment and is pumped out rather than letting gravity drain it. These pumps also come equipped with a mechanism that resembles a float switch and works in the same way by shutting off the equipment and thereby preventing serious water damage.
Benefit of A wet switch/float switch
reduce or prevent water damage
prevent dangerous mold growth
save money
Detailed Photos

What can we do?
We offers a wide variety of standard, vertical, and horizontal liquid level float switches. Standard float switches are available in stainless steel, and plastics, including PVC, polypropylene, or PVDF. Liquid level float switches are used to maintain a safe level of fluid within a tank or container. They can assist even more efficiently by automating the dispensing of liquids, whether into or out of the tank to maintain the optimal level, and can be connected to an alarm to sound when the optimal level is not met. With the ability to customize the length, they can even be used to control the filling of all types and sizes of vessels from small to large tanks.
These versatile liquid level float switches are typically hard mounted into the tank wall or extend further into the tank using extension tubes and liquid tight tube fittings.
How does it works?
Most of our vertical liquid level indicators can be changed from normally open to normally closed by simply removing the retainer and flipping the float. When the level switch is in the normally open mode, it is OFF until the float is lifted by the liquid and makes contact with the elastic ring, turning the switch to the ON position. When the switch is on, which allows for the tank to be automatically start emptying the tank until the switch turns back off, which then would tell the system to start filling the tank. This ensures that the tank level never gets too low. The applications for this simple switch are endless.
Vertical float level sensors can be mounted in the top or the bottom of the tank. This gives the ability to have two points of contact, creating a system of emptying and filling the tank as efficiently as possible with minimal down time. The vertical float level switches have various mounting threads and can be made from stainless steel, and plastics for your budget and needs.
Horizontal float type level switches mount on the side of the tank. This lets you have the ability to set the exact level you would like regardless of the size or shape of the tank. With various mounting threads and materials available, we can design the perfect solution for your problem.
The other switches we can make.